Edit a Subcontract after Interfacing

Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 2nd, 2024

Work Instruction – Make a subcontract editable after it’s been interfaced

Version 1.0 17/01/2018

Document Author

Document Owner

Rika Mason

Rika Mason


This document will explain how to make a subcontract editable after the PM has approved and interfaced the subcontract.

Please note this is only achievable if there are no subcontract claims paid and processed, there can be a current claim that the PM is working on but this will need to be deleted before the below steps are actioned.


  1. If there is a current claim attached to the subcontract then this claim will need to be deleted before making the subcontract pending again in PM Subcontracts, to do this go into SL Subcontract Claims
  2. Select Subcontract Number, Claim Number 1 and delete as shown below
  3. Now go into SL Subcontract Entry, create a new batch
  4. File and add subcontract
  5. Select Subcontract and select OK
  6. Add to batch
  7. Select yes to include all items
  8. Select no
  9. This will now make the Subcontract appear, if line items are needed to be amended then go to the bottom grid and amend the relevant items in the action tab from C-Change to D-Delete and save, this will then bring the items back to non-interfaced in PM Subcontracts (the PM’s can then go and make the changes and re-interface from there). Make sure you keep the header action as change.
  10. Once saved the batch will need to be processed – then Validate and Post the batch
  11. If the full subcontract needs to be deleted then the action in the top part will need to be amended to D-Delete along with the bottom line items in the grid and save
  12. Once saved the batch will need to be processed – then Validate and Post the batch
  13. If there is a change order that is already attached to the subcontract you will not be able to edit or delete that change order in SL Subcontract Entry until you delete it in SL Change Order Entry. Again to delete a change order, go into SL Change Order Entry – create new batch – Add transaction – Once that transaction is seen change the action to delete – process batch – validate and post.