Progress Claims

Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 2nd, 2024

The purpose of this work instruction is to explain the progress claims process and how progress claims should be completed using Viewpoint. This document will explain the importance of completing claims correctly and the requirements set by Shadforth Management.

Progress Claim Process

Importance of Procedure

As with all Viewpoint processes, the procedures are to firstly benefit the company as a whole, and secondly, make daily tasks for Project Managers & Engineers more efficient (however this is not always the case). Therefore, this particular task must be completed within Viewpoint and is thus enforced by Shadforth Management.

Variations must be completed correctly and to the requirements set by Shadforth. When claims are done correctly from the start (PM/PE), the entire process runs smoothly and the claim can flow through the relevant departments as required.

Using Viewpoint to complete claims is a very simple process, however attention to detail is crucial. Claims are submitted, in most cases, to Consultants and/or clients. Therefore formatting and accurate information is important to maintain a level of professionalism.

Worked Example 


Project: T329 – Training Precinct 10

We are submitting a progress claim for the works completed. In this situation, this will be the first claim for the project. So there will be general establishment items to claim and also some Earthworks.  

Step 1 - Commencement

  • Open the Viewpoint application (1) from your Desktop,
  • If outside of Head Office, use Remote Desktop (2) and then open the Viewpoint application (1).

Step 2 - Viewpoint Home

  • Once the Viewpoint application is opened, go to the top left hand corner of the page and click on the tab labelled ‘PM Work Centre’. This will act as a PM ‘home page’ where majority of tasks can be completed.


  • You can access the progress claim through 'JB Progress Billing' in the main menu. Note - if you do open through here you will need to add 'n' to record #. This will create a new record/claim. All other steps will be the same as below

Step 3 - PM Work Centre

  • Please note you will always use Company 2 - Shadforths Civil, however in this case we will use 101 - Test Company for training purposes.
  • On the right hand side use the drop down menu to select the project you are completing a claim for. You can narrow the available options down by selecting a Project Manager and Project Status first.
  • Click on the ‘Progress Claim’ heading on left hand side list and select the ‘Create New’ Button.

Note - Selection Options

Step 4 - Progress Claims


Submitted Claims

Notice you can see all previously submitted claims within this screen. These claims are project specific, if you change the project you will see the newly chosen project’s progress claims.

You will then be given the following screen. Fill out the info tab as it is below.

Again, formatting is crucial here and correct formatting must be applied. For all claims, a general rule is to format 3 key fields:

  1. Certificate Month: is the month the claim will be certified. 9/10 the claim will be certified the month after submission. Sometimes, for example before Christmas shut down, the claim may need to be submitted early so certification can be granted the same month. In these cases the Certification month will be the same as the month you are submitting the Claim.
  2. Completed Works Ending Date: Is always the last day of the month for which works have been undertaken.
  3. Invoice Desc: is the Invoice Description, and will be printed on the submitted claim. This description is standardized for all Shadforths Claims, and the format must be followed. That is, replace the # with the claim number (in this case no. 1 as it is the first claim, if it was the second it would be No. 2… etc).

Step 5 - Completing a Progress Claim

Click the 'Items' tab and your screen will look like the below. If you require more columns to view then select Options in toolbar and select Item Unit Entry.

Once you have this screen in front of you, you can start claiming against items. Using the % complete column or This Bill WC Amount or This Bill WC Units.

Simply move down the sheet and add either the percentage, number of units or an amount complete value.

Once you have completed this for all your items, click ' Update Claim Total', and the table will automatically populate. Make sure to hit the 'Save Submission Amount' button also (only hit this button once through the claim process). Now you can send your document to the consultant. Click 'Print/Submit Claim'.

Click Export

Click attach to form

Close then click email 

This will then open Microsoft Outlook. Open the attachment to review your claim. Write the body of your email, and send when ready or alternatively save your claim document to P Drive and create your own email and attach from P Drive.

Progress Claim Completed

What happens next?

Ensure claims are certified within 14 days of the claim submission date. Regularly follow up the Engineer prior to the due date to resolve any issues so certification isn’t delayed - Don’t wait until the due date to start following up.