Windows VPN - Error connecting to remote server

This is the sub title

Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 21st, 2021


When trying to connect a windows VPN through Windows 10 you get a generic error about an error connecting to remote server and you have verified all settings for VPN are correct. 

If you check the event logs there is a error similar to below with a failure 720 error. 

“The user [Domain]\[Username] dialed a connection named My VPN which has failed. The error code returned on failure is 720.”


Unknown windows issue


  1. Go to device manager and uninstall all Network adapters that start with WAN Miniport. 
  2. Right click on top level computer name and scan for hardware changes. This will install the WAN miniport adapters again
  3. Try the VPN again and it should work.