Troubleshooting Tips

Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 15th, 2024

Problems with getting location services or camera to work on iPhone

1. Enable location services on iOS devices to allow Safari to access when being used.

2. Under Settings > Safari - Allow Location and camera access either set to 'Ask' or 'Allow'. This is a separate area from step 1.

3. Go back to the Shadconnect app and try again, the location and camera should work now.

Problems with getting location services or camera to work on Android with Samsung internet

1. Check either the pull-down menu (Drag down from the top of the screen) or within the settings to check if location is enabled.


3. Also check if Samsung internet has location permitted, You can also allow camera use this way (Same process for newer android phones and android chrome users).

4. If running a newer android version.

5. Go back to the Shadconnect app and try again, the location and camera should work now.