Employee Portal Changes
Wide Screen Layout
If opened on a larger format screen (computer/laptop, iPad in landscape mode) the screen and content is now stretched where possible to show more data and make it easier to read. This is dynamic and the screen size is automatically detected and wide set accordingly, if you change from portrait to landscape on a iPad you will sometimes need to refresh the page for it to change though.
DeleteContractor Companies Screen
- The notes field has been added to the main grid.
- Filter option to view disabled companies (Disabled companies are only viewable for Compliance Admin staff)
All Inductees & Employees Screen
- Type field added to grid. This identifies the account as either Contractor/Employee. You can filter based on this field in the grid
- Below New Type's defined and added to grid. (This is only available for Compliance Admin staff)
- Ex-Employee - A inactive employee record
- Disabled Contractor - Contractor account that has been disabled. A Disabled user cannot login to the system at all.
- Blocked Contractor - Contractor account that has had site access blocked. These accounts can still login and view their personal details and documents but sign into site or access other site tools.
ABN Number Required for Adding Companies
When adding a new contractor company you must enter a valid ABN number to search and pick the entity. So you cannot search purely on company name anymore. This is to avoid incorrect companies being selected.
Foreman Log (Testing release)
Latest version of Foreman log has been brought across from the development server. This is currently only being tested on a select few sites before it will be available to everyone. More info to come on this later.
Top Level Job view
Main Log screen with separate tabs for sections (Log, Labour, Plant etc)
Other Bugs and Fixes
- Blocking a user now appends an automatic note to the worker account (compliance admin staff only)
- Blocked users now receive a alert message on the main screen informing that they have been blocked and should not enter site and should contact compliance for more info. They can still access their personal details and uploaded documents.
- Disabled Site QR codes, if scanned now alert the user the site is disabled and not accessible.
- Machine Prestarts Report - Now shows all questions and answers per prestart. Option to only show failed items
Contractor Portal Changes
Site Attendees for Company Admins
Added the Site Attendees screen to the Contractor portal for company admins only. This is accessible from Company Resources->Site Attendees. This screen has the same functions as the employee version, as outlined below, but the company admin can only see signed in accounts for workers that they are a company admin for.
- View currently signed in workers (only workers that the admin has access to)
- Sign in/out timestamps
- PTA's done count
- Compliance Status
- Compliance Issues screen
- Access worker details
ABN Number Required for Adding Companies
When adding a new contractor company you must enter a valid ABN number to search and pick the entity. So you cannot search purely on company name anymore. This is to avoid incorrect companies being selected.
Other Bugs and Fixes
- Worker Details screen
- PTA and Sign-in dates and grid incorrect issue resolved.
- Front login screen now removes instruction text if they have completed all the mandatory items. This just cleans up the main screen for fully registered users.
- Blocked users now receive a alert message on the main screen informing that they have been blocked and should not enter site and should contact compliance for more info. They can still access their personal details and uploaded documents.
- Error messages cleaned up and grammar corrected.
- Wide screen layout for larger screens. As per employee portal note.
- Disabled Site QR codes, if scanned now alert the user the site is disabled and not accessible.