Releasing Cash Retention

Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 2nd, 2024

Work Instruction – Releasing Cash Retention

Version 1.0 31/10/2017

Document Author

Document Owner

Rika Mason

Rika Mason


This document will explain how to Release Retention in Viewpoint

Document Flowchart: JB Progress Billing

 JB Release Retention

 JB Progress Billing


  • Viewpoint Login ID & Viewpoint (Remote) is mandatory for using Viewpoint outside head office


  1. Log into Viewpoint
  2. Open JB Progress Billing (Main Menu) or Create a Progress Claim from your work centre
  3. Create claim, Enter Certification Month, Enter + or N in the record field to create a new claim, Enter Contract Number, Update Invoice Description, Add notes and amend completed works period ending date
  4. Go to Main Menu and search for ‘JB Release Retention’, drag and drop into My Tasks so it’s easily accessible – open it, it should have automatically come up with your contract/job number
  5. Complete JB Release Retention form – example below
  6. Select OK
  7. Select Close
  8. Open JB Progress Billing again with your claim you created. Press the retainage button at the bottom of the screen on the info tab to check Retainage Totals are correct
  9. Check the retention amount to be released is correct and close form
  10. Select ‘Update Claim Totals’ and check that the amount is correct, if everything is correct you can Print/Submit Claim – Remember to export and ‘Attach to Form’ so it shows in your thumbnail viewer
  11. Once a payment certificate is received from the superintendent go back into the claim that was created and certify. Drag and drop a copy of the payment certificate into the thumbnail viewer. Save and close this form