
Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 2nd, 2024

This work instruction is used for anyone wanting to create a subcontract

Work Instruction – Creating a subcontract in VP

Version 1.0 03/08/2016

Document Author

Document Owner

Rika Mason

Rika Mason


This document will explain how to create a subcontract in Viewpoint and submit a subcontract claim in Viewpoint

Document Flowchart:

PM Subcontracts

PM Interface

SL Subcontract Claims

AP Unapproved Invoice Review


  • Viewpoint Login ID & Viewpoint (Remote) is mandatory for using Viewpoint outside head office


  1. Log into Viewpoint
  2. Go to PM WorkCentre and filter by company and project. Select subcontracts on the left hand side
  3. Create a new subcontract
  4. Go to the info tab and complete highlighted areas
  5. Go to the non-interfaced items tab and manually add in the work the subcontractor will be completing line by line. Note: Remember to check that 10% retention has been added under WC Ret % Column.
  6. Once all line items have been added – go back into the info tab and select approved – go back to the non-interfaced items tab before selecting PM interface
  7. Go to the Penvelope and create the Agreement from the template in VP
  8. Select the correct template and edit if required
  9. Once the agreement has been edited, send to the subcontractor for them to sign. Once the subcontractor returns the signed copy make sure it’s attached to the subcontract in Viewpoint
  10. Subcontract Claim – Once the subcontractor has completed the work required they will ideally submit a claim to the PM/PE, the PM/PE is then required to submit the claim in Viewpoint by following the below instructions:
  11. Fill in details of claim
  12. Complete items in the claim
  13. Once line items have been completed, go back into the info tab and select certified – from here a payment certificate for the subcontractor will be generated by going to Options – Reports – SCC Subcontract Payment Certificate
  14. Fill out the details
  15. Payment Certificate should then be sent to the subcontractor so they can then generate an invoice
  16. The subcontractor then generates an invoice from the payment certificate and submits the invoice to the Shadforths AP Team
  17. AP Receive invoice and attach invoice number to the claim and select File – Update to AP Unapproved Invoice Entry
  18. The invoice is then dropped into the PM/PE’s ‘AP Unapproved Invoice Review’ where the PM/PE will approve