Digital Foreman Log

Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 9th, 2024

General Notes

The foreman log has been developed as a digital replacement of the paper Foreman log but also to extend onto this process. It brings together all our existing systems such as Timesheets, Planthours, DryHire management etc and centralises the approval and processing of this data, as well as adding general foreman log details, Wethire, Subcontractor and deliveries. 

I have outlined a few top level features that are worth noting, and then each section below can be expanded to view its notes so expand each of these sections. 

Collaborative - The system has been designed with the ability for multiple people to be able to view and contribute to the log throughout the day. To make this easier to manage each section has a "Refresh" button at the top, so if you do have multiple people access your logs make sure you refresh before adding any new data to make sure you have the latest version. 

Multiple Job Codes - When creating a log for a date you can select multiple job codes to allocate to that job, but you can only pick one Shadconnect site code. This is for situations where you have multi stage projects being run together but only one Shadconnect site name. When you select multiple job codes it will group together Timesheets, Planthours etc for those job codes to bring into the log for you to process. 

Data Processing Schedule - With data like Timesheets and Planthours obviously these are not available straight away for the log to view as they need to be entered by employee or processed from plant telematics overnight. So keep this in mind with completing your logs, the recommended schedule it to create a new log in the morning for that day, enter in manually collected data through out the day as needed. And then the next morning finish Timesheet and Planthours approvals and coding to finish off and then mark the log as completed. 

Adding a new Log

  1. At the top of the main screen you can pick a date to look back at old data or create a future log by clicking the date picker or arrow buttons
  2. From the main screen click a job code and select "Add Log" from the popup menu or click the "Add Daily Log" button at the top right
  3. Select more than one Job code if necessary
  4. Select the Shadconnect Site name to link this to the log
  5. Then click the Add button


Foreman Log Section



Most sections auto save as you edit or add data. But due to a few functions on the Foreman Log section you need to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen to save your edits. This will change in future version, so for now make sure you save this section.

Environmental Conditions Section 

  • Click the "Get Weather" button. This grabs the next few days forecast for the job from the BOM. This uses the street address of the first job code assigned to the log to get the appropriate BOM data.
  • Enter any manually recorded rainfall records in millimetres. 
  • if you select Yes for Enviro Conditions Affecting Site you will be required to enter in notes. But otherwise this section is optional, you can enter in notes in regard to weather conditions and take photos if needed etc. 

Work Undertaken Notes

  • Enter in detailed notes for work that is being undertaken on site for that day. 
  • You can use the "Copy Kickoff Notes" button, this will copy from the kickoff notes for that day and site and then you can manually edit these notes as needed. 
  • Enter in any notes in regard to issues that are affecting the site. This section is mandatory if you answer Yes to this question otherwise optional. Also add photos to correspond to this question if needed. 

Site Photos

  • Here you will see all photos grouped together from other sections. Or you can add additional photos from here if needed. 
  • By clicking a photo you can view, add comments and even edit and add annotations to the photos. 
  • When editing a photo make sure you click the little save icon at the bottom right of the edit screen to lock in the edited changes. 


Make sure you click the Save button at the very bottom of this section to save and upload any new photos etc


Labour Section


  • This section lists out any Timesheets that have been charged to the selected job codes for this log and date. 
  • Functions are the same as the current timesheet section where you can change job phases, hours, edit lines etc. 
  • This section will also display timesheet lines you would normally not be able to see in the normal Timesheet approver app. E.g. Any crews or other non-construction workers that charge to the job will show up but not be editable. These are just here as a record on the job and used in costing and reporting. 
  • Any changes here are reflected straight away in the normal Timesheet App and vice versa. 

My Timesheet 

  • This is just here for your convenience. It allows whoever the logged in user is to enter their timesheet for that day. 
  • Again any changes are pushed to the normal timesheet app

External Person Line

  • This section is for manually recording and coding any external labour hire or other workers costed or not costed to your job. 
  • Any external contractor who signs onto the Shadconnect site for that day will be automatically appended to this section without any coding completed. You then need to fill in the blanks to compete this data or delete them if they are not necessary or double ups. 
  • Costed/Non-Costed - If you pick costed you will be required to enter job/phase etc and if not costed no coding data is needed. 
  • Copy previous day - You can use this to copy any data from the previous log. Although if the person has signed onto site they should appear here automatically anyway. 
  • If a worker is already being captured in the log in another section (e.g. Wethire data) then you would either need to enter them as non-costed and add a note to reflect this or remove them from this list. In future versions will will be looking at linking these areas together. 


Plant Section


  • Similar to the Timesheet data in the labour section, any planthours associated with the selected jobs will appear in this area. And coding functions are the same as in Planthours app. 
  • All changes in this area are reflected in the normal Planthours app and vice versa
  • Other Planthours for Period - The main window will only display the logs date planthours as one day. If you want to quickly view other planthours for these jobs you can click this button to view and code them all in one spot. 

External Dry Hired Plant

  • This section pulls data from the existing Dry Hire section in the Planthous App. 
  • All stand down/Offhire etc functions are the same as in Planthours. 
  • Additionally here you can code hours, loads, job/phase etc for job costing and reporting. 
  • You can also add/create new dryhire PO's that will automatically add the machine to the list. 

External Wet Hired Plant

  • In this section you manually record Wet Hire line items. 
  • By picking a company and then PO/Line item the other fields for Rate, UM, Job etc are automatically filled out for you. You can override these as needed. 
  • Multiple lines can be entered for each machine to record different rates throughout the day if needed. 
  • Copy Previous Day - Use this to bring across the data from the previous log, you will need to update Qty's, hours, loads etc


Subcontractors Section

This section is linked directly to the Subcontracts data in Viewpoint. There needs to be a SL raised for the jobs associated with the log to be able to add data here. 

Once you pick the SL you can then manually record dockets, hours, workers etc as a record of the work completed by the subcontractor. 


Deliveries Section

  • Add any deliveries here as a record and associate to PO/Line item. 
  • When you pick a PO/Line item other fields will be automatically filled out but can be overridden. 
  • You can take photos of dockets and attach to these line items. These will be viewable from these lines or from the main photos section under the Foreman Log Tab. 
