ShadConnect - Coding Plant Hours

Written By Jene Southwell (Administrator)

Updated at October 10th, 2024


Plant and fuel usage are imported into ShadConnect every night. We allocate records to the correct jobs using location data and project geofencing. These records must then be coded to the correct cost code daily. If you do not have access to your job, contact IT


Coding Records

Each record in the grid will show either a machine or fuel icon, indicating what you are coding. 

Assign a cost code to each record by using the drop-down menu and selecting the relevant cost code.

For fuel records, they will reference the machine that was refuelled, the docket number, the fuel type used, the quantity in litres, and the job it has been imported to based on the geolocation. 



Equipment records will display the equipment number, equipment category, and equipment type. The usage will be shown in either 'Hrs' or 'Day Charge,' and it will also indicate if a pre-start check has been completed for the machine.


To code a record, confirm the job code is correct, then select the correct project phase from the 'Cost Code' dropdown. Once coded, the record will turn green to indicate it is complete.

Changing Job Code

Using the 'Change Job' button will display a list of jobs to which you have access. When selected, this will instantly move the record to the new job, and you will then need to view that job to code the record.

The 'Job Code' dropdown will only show a list of jobs to which you have access. This allows you to keep the record where it is and update the coding at the same time, before saving.


Splitting usage 

To split hours across multiple jobs or phase codes, reduce the coded hours to the correct amount. This will add a new line for the remaining hours/usage.



Rejecting usage

Records can be rejected by selecting 'Reject Hours' at the top of the 'Cost Code' dropdown. These records are then submitted for additional review along with your notes.

Wrong job - If the job has been coded incorrectly to your job and you either do not know which job it should be on or do not have access to move it to the correct job. This option requires a note with as much information as possible to assist in moving the record to the correct job.

Contractor to be charged - In the event that our supplier has refueled a contractor's machine, we will need the contractor's name to forward the charges.

Quantity Incorrect - Use this option if you know the usage for your job but cannot split the charge because you do not have access to the other job, or if the liters or hours are incorrect. A note with detailed information is required to help rectify the incorrect record.

Equipment Faulty - Use this option when the machine has usage but cannot be charged to the project due to a fault.



There are two tiles for different views, both of which are used to code records:

Job View - Filtered by individual job. The job is selected from the dropdown at the top of the grid.

Day View - Displays all records for one day only, for all jobs to which you have access. This view also allows you to change days.

Both views include additional filter options: filter out already coded hours, filter out plant lines, filter out fuel lines, and filter by equipment number.


Bulk Coding

Once the grid has been filtered, you can select multiple, individual records or use the 'Select All' checkbox at the top of the grid. The bulk change buttons will then become enabled. This process is the same as using the dropdowns in the grid.

Bulk Code Phase - button to change only the phase of all selected records. The 'Bulk Code Phase' can also be used to reject multiple records for the same reason.

Bulk Change Job - button to move all selected records to another job or phase code.