Adding a Project Contact

Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 1st, 2021

The purpose of this video tutorial is to explain the process of how project contacts can be added to a specific project in Viewpoint. Adding a project contact will allow the individual or firm to be selected in the distribution tab when sending RFI's, NOD's etc.

Summary of Steps:

  1. Open 'PM Document Tracking' and select the 'Project Firms' tab
  2. From the bottom of the screen select 'Setup Form'
  3. Select a new line and search for a Firm using F4
  4. Select the Contact column on the new row and search for a contact using F4
  5. Select the appropriate contact from the list and process is complete

Adding a Project Contact Walk-through:

Step 1:
  • Open 'PM Document Tracking' and select the relevant Project
  • Select the 'Project Firms' tab
Step 2:
  • Select 'Setup Form'

Step 3:

  • Select a new line under 'Firm' and search for a firm using F4
  • You will then be given this screen where you are able to search by name or scrolling,
Step 4:
  • Once a firm has been selected you are now able to search for a contact within that firm
  • Select the contact column and search using F4
  • Select a contact and select 'Ok' and the contact is now added to the project.