Viewpoint Shortcuts

Written By Paul Leerentveld (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 1st, 2021

Below are a list of Viewpoint keyboard shortcut keys and general data entry tips.

Essential Shortcuts

Key Description
F4 Field Lookup menu
* (Asterisk) Wild card when using filters
+ or N (Plus or the letter N) Add a new record
Right mouse click on Grid->Filter bar To turn on filter bar simply right click anywhere on the grid and click the 'Filter Bar' option to enable it

Advanced Shortcuts

Key Description
F3 Field Properties
F5 Field Set up
F6 Calculator
Spacebar 'Check' a checkbox or select radio button
ALT + F4 Close active form
Tab Move to next field
Shift + Tab Move to previous field
Ctrl + Tab Notes Field only can indent the current line
T Inputs today's date
Any number (ie 24) Inputs the entered day of the current month and current year
+ and any number (ie +5) Will input the date 5 days after the date currently in the field or today's date
- and any number (ie -5)

Will input the date 5 days before the date currently in the field or today's date

DD/MM Entering just a day and month (ie 24/12), add the current year to the end
AM and PM Entering AM or PM after a time will convert it to the correct 24hr time format