Allocating Claim Items

Written By Jene Southwell (Administrator)

Updated at September 2nd, 2024

Allocate Claim Items 

(PM Contracts & JC Job Phases)


Effective Date

Document Author

Document Owner



Rika Mason

Rika Mason



This document will explain how to allocate claim items so that an accurate monthly profit report can be produced. 

imageDocument Flowchart:      






Viewpoint Login ID & Viewpoint (Remote) is mandatory for using Viewpoint outside head office









1      Log into Viewpoint 

2      Once a new job has been created and a BOQ has been entered, the below process will be able to be completed, go into PM Contracts – select the correct job number – go to the items tab - look for a column that is called Claim Item Number, move this column next to the description column if it’s not already there (amend column order by right clicking anywhere in the grid and selecting columns - unlock column order, drag and drop where the column needs to be and then lock column order again) 






3      F4 on each line item that has a cost and allocate a claim item number, once familiar with the claim item numbers it will be easier to type the number instead of selecting F4 each time







4      Once the PM Contracts side is completed, the active phases on the job will also need a claim item number allocated to it, go into JC Job Phases – select job number – tick the box filter to show active phases only – allocate a claim item number to each active phase (again columns may need to be unlocked and moved)







5      Once all claim items are allocated the SCE PM Monthly Profit Report can be run. If multiple jobs are required on the one report, then run SCE PM Monthly Profit

MultiJob Report




6      In addition to this process, Claim Item Notes need to be added to the report. To do this go into JB Progress Billing and access the claim for the relevant month. Go to the Claim Item Notes tab


7      Select Claim Item, add notes and save – these will now show on the report


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